No Ordinary Assessments

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No Ordinary Assessments

(Please note additional assessments may be sourced to meet requirements)

Why do we use specific assessment products?

We believe that objective assessment provides significant opportunity to enhance the quality of talent decisions. Unfortunately this value often gets lost in the inefficient and costly management of complex, poorly integrated and inconsistent assessment processes.
We follow an integrated online assessment service designed to help you focus on making better talent decisions while providing you with a simplified, integrated, cost effective, customisable, consistent and secure assessment process.

Benefits of alignment of our assessment products:

  • Focused on better talent decisions with customised Talent Match Reports and mapping to organisational criteria.
  • Simplified assessment process with completed test taker management, communication via sms or e-mail and real time status updates in your mailbox.
  • Integrated with multiple providers, one relationship, multiple assessments, single participant login, integrated support and billing.
  • One place for all your reports and data with capability to upload off-line reports and input for non-integrated tools.
  • Cost effective with capability to re-use assessment data, low support rates, no annual license, subscription or system fees.
  • Flexible with your corporate or context specific ‘look & feel’, tailored competency descriptions and customisable communication templates.
  • Scalable with multiple options for the upload of volume participants and off-line data, project setup, branding and matching of data against jobs and with capabilities to add unlimited users with task based rights.
  • Robust and secure with multiple levels of task specific access, Amazon hosted security and continuous back-up.

Our Tools:

Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32r)

Personality: The OPQ32r provides an indication of the candidate’s preferred style of behaviour at work. Gaining in-depth information on how candidates will fit within certain work environments and teams, and how they will cope with different job requirements makes a major contribution to achieving the person-job fit that is so critical for success. This assessment range is among the best researched and most widely used psychometric tools available. This assessment can be used for selection and development including coaching.

Verify Verbal, Numerical & Reasoning test

Cognitive: This approach is a complete testing solution which includes a unique combination of ability tests, security measures and better practice guidelines designed specifically for online testing. It is a unique two stage testing process that allows employers to make a confident decision. This assessment battery can be used for selection and development.

Verbal reasoning test

This test measures the ability to evaluate the logic of various kinds of arguments. The information presented is relevant to a business environment. The test emphasises understanding, using and evaluating verbal information rather than language usage, spelling or grammar. People who perform well on this test tend to have the capacity to readily understand reports and documents.

Numerical reasoning test

This test measures the ability to make correct decisions or inferences from numerical data. The data presented and the tasks set are relevant to a business environment. The emphasis in these tasks is on understanding and evaluating data rather than on computation. People who perform well on this test tend to have the capacity to understand numerical data and interpret mathematical information correctly.

Inductive reasoning test

This test measures the ability to work with incomplete information and create solutions to novel problems from first principles. People who perform well on this test will have a greater capacity to think conceptually as well as analytically.

BarOn EQ-i

Emotional intelligence: The Bar-On EQi is an assessment of emotional intelligence based competencies. Emotional intelligence addresses the emotional, personal, social and survival dimensions of intelligence, that are vitally important in development purposes. This less cognitive part of intelligence is concerned with understanding oneself and others, relating to people, and adapting to and coping with our immediate surroundings. These factors increase our ability to be more successful in dealing with work demands. It is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way. Emotional intelligence is a strong predictor of performance and success and can be used for selection and development including coaching.

WAVE Personality Assessments

Personality: Professional Styles is used in selection, development, talent management, succession planning, leadership programs, coaching and career planning.

Cognitive Process Profile (CPP)

Cognitive: Measures the way people think when solving problems, their cognitive processes and the way in which they deal with information. It also assesses aspects of their potential for future cognitive development and growth. The aim is to understand a person’s thinking processes and the way in which they manage tasks of varying complexity.

Hogan Assessment Series

Personality and values: Consists of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), the Hogan Development Survey (HDS), the Motives, Values and Preferences inventory (MVPI). These can be used individually or combined. They predict employee performance through personality measurement; evaluate behavioural tendencies that impede success in the workplace, and asses the core values of individuals. For use in assessment and development.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) – Only for development, not selection

Personality: An introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. It focuses on four principal psychological functions by which humans experience the world – sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking – and that one of these four functions is dominant for a person most of the time. The MBTI was constructed for normal populations and emphasises the value of naturally occurring differences. The underlying assumption of the MBTI is that we all have specific preferences in the way we construe our experiences, and these preferences underlie our interests, needs, values, and motivation. For use in development and team effectiveness.

360 degree assessment

For use in organisations where developing effective communication between individuals and teams is crucial to success. The 360 identifies key employee strengths that can be leveraged to the benefit of the organisation, as well as impediments to high performance that could be improved. The assessment process can also be used as a follow-up to formal coaching and to measure progress. Includes feedback from clients, peers, subordinates and individuals.

The 16PF

Personality: It is a widely recognised personality test. It measures the core traits that influence a person’s behaviour through a series of multiple-choice questions.

Personal Profile Analysis (PPA)

Personality: Behavioural profiling and assessment in the work place will give you an insight and understanding into how people behave at work – what is their work style? How do they manage? How do they communicate? What motivates them? The insights gained from behavioural profiling and assessment will lead to a great understanding of why people in the business behave the way they do.


Personality: It is an assessment of personality and individual differences. The 15FQ+ is based on one of the most researched models of personality, identifying behaviour preferences across Cattell’s 16 personality constructs and the big five personality traits. These provide insight into how people typically think, feel and interact in ways that may be productive or counterproductive for an organization.

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument

This is a fast powerful tool that can go beyond conflict management to support your team-building, leadership coaching and retention goals.

Please note that the assessment tools described above are the most commonly requested by corporate clients. We do have access to and subscribe to additional assessments or questionnaires to determine:

  • Values
  • Integrity
  • Climate surveys
  • Employee engagement
  • Team dynamics
  • Competency assessments
  • Assessment centres
  • Interview guides

Feedback on all assessments is provided to the candidate and manager following all ethical guidelines to protect confidentiality. A generic development plan is submitted which can be customised and aligned to a client’s suite of Training interventions on offer.

Disclaimer for assessments:

With regards to the use of assessments it is critical to note the following:

All assessment reports are confidential in order to comply with the Legal Provisions and Ethical Code for Psychologists, as well as the individual’s right to privacy. Comments are based on the evidence gathered from psychometrics assessment tests. The results of an assessment typically reveal valuable information regarding a person. However, it is important to realise that the results of an assessment are only one indicator, and that other factors such as interviews motivation, experience and environmental factors can also influence actual performance and the achievement of potential.

Should you have any questions or wish to discuss alternate batteries please do not hesitate to contact us here.

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